Zero Point Energy Wand – My Experiences Beginning 3/16/10
March 17, 2010 My Experiences

Zero Point Energy Wand Experiences

Scalar Pendant Experiences

3/16/10. Well I just got my wand. I took it out of the package and started wanding my left hand.  I haven’t been able to close my left hand and make a tight fist in over a year.  Pain and stiffness prevents it. I wanded it for about 5 minutes and I could make a fist. Not all the stiffness was gone, but this is remarkable.

My chiropractor who has been working on my left fist for over a year came by just as I finished. I told him what I did and showed him. I then wanded some stiffness in his back. He said he could feel the difference and he bought a zero point energy wand from me right on the spot.

We then did the lemon test with myself and three others. All of us could taste the difference. I also did the taste test with wine, water, and grapefruit juice. On each I could tell the difference. Grapefruit and wine tasted more bland to me. Water tasted better. As a control I did the lemon test with a metal fork instead of the wand – both pieces were sour.

I wanded my eyes and chest but did not see any immediate differences. I have been told certain conditions may take 3 months of wanding or more to get an improvement. (I have glasses and asthma). I intend to work on these long term and see what happens. I will report it here.

I wanded my hips as I had an accident almost 20 years ago that throws my hips out. I didn’t notice anything at the time but in the morning when taking a shower I noticed my hips were even. (Usually they are rotated about 20 degrees to the right and it takes a lot of chiropractic work to get them even.)

Overall I think it is a good tool. Not everything is as miraculous as the Nanna Video, but it certainly produces results. I am very interested in seeing what the long term results of using it will be.

All for now

3/17/10 My left fist is still much improved but I have to wand  every once in a while and it goes back to being almost perfect.

I got a cramp in my foot when I was laying in bed. Ordinarily this doesn’t go away until I stand up and walk on it. This time I wanded it for about 30 seconds and it went away and didn’t come back.

I also got a slight pulled muscle in my knee cap. I had to wand it for about 3 to 4 minutes and it went away.

3/19/10 – I went to Disneyland and walked all day. I got blisters on my little toes and sore feet.  After dinner I hobbled to the bathroom in the restaurant I was in and wanded my left foot with my shoe off and my right foot with my shoe on. It didn’t handle the blisters but it did handle the soreness. I was able to walk out of the bathroom without hobbling.

I continued to wand my blisters when I got home and the next day. But no immediate relief from blister pain.

3/21/10 My friend Bob (he’s the guy that got me into Amega’s program) told me today that he wanded two people who had tooth aches and it handled the tooth ache (pain gone) on both of them.

3/22/10  -I checked my hips in the shower and they are still straight with no rotation.

3/24/10 – Fist is the same, improved – able to close it, but still have to wand it for maximum comfort.  I also have been wanding a slight bunion on my left foot. After a few days all discomfort and pain disappeared from normal walking activity, and from normal flexing motions of the big toe.  I use to have pain when doing both.  Now I have to apply pressure to my left big toe towards the right to feel any pain. I am wanding it while doing this to see if I can get rid of this pain.

4/4/10 – Fist is about the same, slightly improving overall. Bunion pain was totally removed and lasted about 36 hours. Wanded again with the multiple wand technique (four or more wands rubber banded together = more powerful) and pain was gone for 96 hours before returning.

I had another interesting event in that I have had a pain in my hip for about 18 years from a fracture to my femur 18 years ago. I tried wanding it with the multiple zero point energy wand technique but it didn’t seem to work as the pain was still there afterward. A couple of days later, however, I was going to wand it again so I was looking for the sore spot but couldn’t find it.  I have read about others experiencing pains going away sometime later after wanding but this is the first time it happened to me.

6/19/10 – Ok, so I haven’t updated in quite awhile. What I have been doing is testing out the scalar pendants versus the zero point energy wands.

After months of testing, I am almost exclusively using the scalar pendants now.

Simply put they are way more convenient. Some of the convenience leads to increased effectiveness.

The zero point energy pendants and the scalar wands do the same thing. They are both zero point energy. The zero point energy wand is more powerful and faster. You can charge a glass of water with the wand, or do the lemon test with the wand in a minute or two.  So I keep a zero point energy wand in my pocket for those demonstrations and occasions when I need fast results.

In contrast, it takes the scalar pendant about 15 minutes to charge water or do the lemon test.

BUT HERE IS THE BIG DIFFERENCE. – You don’t have to do anything for those 15 minutes. All you do is set the lemon slice or glass of water on top of the scalar pendant and it does the job for you.

I got tired awful quick of wanding my hand, my side, others hands or legs or whatever for three to five minutes.

In fact one time I even sprained my shoulder wanding my own hip with about 10 zero point energy wands in my hand. (By the way multiple zero point energy wand wanding is even faster and more powerful than single zero point energy wand wanding.)

What is cool about the scalar pendant is that it is a little flat disk. I can hold it in my hand rather than wanding my hand for three minutes. Wanding my hand for three minutes ties up both hands. I can still work, walk and do most things while I simply hold the scalar pendant in my hand. (I take the string off the scalar pendant and use it as a disk.)

I can tape a disk to my leg, or forearm, or hip with some medical tape and go about my business all day while the scalar pendant heals. A good example of this benefit is that I had a bunion pain in my foot that I would wand each day for several sessions of three minutes each. Of course this ties you up so you can’t do anything else. The results were that my foot would get better for three days or so each time and then the pain would come back.

When I got the pendant, I simply taped it to my foot overnight while I slept. It has now been two months and the pain has never come back.  So it was not only easier to do, but had better results in the end.

I could go on but you should get the point – The scalar pendant is easier to use and is cheaper. So get one zero point energy wand – you  might need its power on occasion but get yourself several scalar pendants like I have and you will find the much more practical and effective to use.

Get your zero point energy wand here.

Get your scalar pendants here.


Thought I would let you guys know that after taping the scalar pendant to my foot as reported above on 6/19/10 the bunion pain has NEVER come back. Pretty awesome.

Also My hand is a lot better. I would say 98%. It still goes out once in a while but I do not pay atttention to it every day as I use to.


Well, I thought I would give an update. It has been a year now and I haven’t had to use the zero point energy wand or the scalar pendant on my bunion or hand.  They have held up quite well over the year. As you probably know I almost always use the scalar pendants now for any aches or pains, and I probably will use the pendant for awhile as “preventative maintenance”.

Zero Point Energy Wand

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